How would you describe the Saudi youth today and what are the critical aspects that marketers should keep in mind?

Saudi youth in today’s day and age are excited for the future and the transformative changes put forth by their government. The Arab Youth Survey by ASDA’A BCW found that a staggering 98% of Saudi youth believe Vision 2030 will be successful in securing the Kingdom’s economic future.

On an MMS level, we’ve also noticed a shift towards Saudi-focused content that Saudis can relate to and feel familiar with. Take Saudi pro-duction Rashash, which is based on a real-life story, for example; the show was watched over 36 million times in 135 countries, remaining the #1 title in the GCC for six weeks straight. I think brands should focus on being relatable in their messaging and making sure that they connect with them. Relatability, authenticity, and inclusivity in ads are also key to resonating with audiences, especially the youth. Brands should make a shift from product-heavy advertising to emotive advertising.

How would you advise a brand to approach this segment from a marketing perspective?

Saudi youth trust the opinions of their peers and influencers. Brands can [also] leverage content that has figures relevant to their target audience and which youth relate to. By doing so, they demonstrate that they understand Saudi youth’s needs, values, and aspirations. Here again, authenticity is key and will ensure that brands are connecting with their customers.

How important is it for brands to consider entertainment in particular, knowing how it plays a critical role in young Saudis’ lives?

Entertainment is essential to the Saudi youth; they are interested in a variety of entertainment options, including music, movies, and TV shows. The entertainment sector in Saudi Arabia has experienced significant growth [with] Vision 2030, which aims to develop the entertainment industry with over 2,500 events attracting 80 million attendees by the end of 2021. Media consumption in the country is [also] increasing. Brands can leverage entertainment by creating content that is entertaining, informative, and relevant to their target audience. They can also partner with influencers and content creators who specialize in entertainment.

What are your tips for a successful youth media strategy in KSA today?

Understand your target audience. Brands must understand the needs, values, and aspirations of the Saudi youth to create a successful media strategy. Be culturally sensitive. Brands must be respectful of local customs and traditions to avoid offending their target audience. Be creative and engaging. Brands should focus on creating content that is creative, engaging, and visually appealing. Focus on youth passion points. Engage with them both on the ground and on-screen through football, entertainment, gaming, etc. Use data and analytics. Brands should use data and analytics to measure the success of their media strategy and make data-driven decisions.

How would you describe young Saudis’ media consumption? What channels and platforms should brands consider to engage with them efficiently? What type of content?

Saudi audiences are digitally savvy; research found that 99% of the total population are Internet users while 79.3% are social media users. Our data show a great appetite among youth for TV, especially when the content is relatable to them. Take Saudi Idol, for example; it recruited around eight million individuals over the season and captured 33% reach amongst youth (15-24). The same is true for Shahid. Brands should adopt a cross-platform approach so they can reach their target audience on every touchpoint, everywhere they are.

This article was first published in Communicate's Q1 2023 print issue.