Memac Ogilvy hosted its first Red Academy program at the American University of Beirut in March, offering students from the Suliman S. Olayan School of Business (OSB) a guided learning opportunity.

The initiative is driven by the commitment of both the agency and the university to support and showcase the talent of the youth around the region, with this pilot collaboration as a first step. This initial Red Academy program comprises three in-person workshops, led by expert speakers from Memac Ogilvy, and involves 80 young individuals, working in small groups.

The sessions are designed to allow students to explore influencer marketing; understand the basics of behavioral science and how to utilize it for successful and high-impact communications campaigns; and discover business-to-business influence and effective strategic campaign planning.

In line with Memac Ogilvy and AUB’s long-term joint commitment to equipping students with the required skills and experience to excel in an aggressive labor market, the workshops will give aspiring professionals the chance to showcase their skills through a competitive series of progressively more difficult assignments. Students whose assignments stand out will be recognized as winners, and those taking first and second place will be awarded internships within Memac Ogilvy's departments of advertising, public relations, and social media.

Samer Abboud, Memac Ogilvy’s Regional Chief Growth Officer for MENA, said, “We are proud to be partnering with AUB and to launch this initiative as part of our ongoing commitment to highlight the exceptional Lebanese and regional talents who are endeavoring to develop smart and creative campaigns amid the ongoing financial, political and social tensions in the country. As leaders in the local and global marketing industry, Memac Ogilvy’s experts are pleased to invest their time and knowledge to ensure the success of the Red Academy workshops and the achievement of its objectives. We are raising students’ awareness of the importance of making an impact and keeping pace with the digital revolution.”

Dr. Yusuf Sidani, Dean of the Suliman S. Olayan School of Business, said, “We are thrilled to be partnering with Memac Ogilvy on this endeavor, which demonstrates our commitment to engaging with the corporate sector in a meaningful and effective manner. This enriches the experience of our students, better preparing them to manage high-impact campaigns and grasp the changing landscape within the communications industry.”

Targeting OSB students, this initiative aims to broaden young people’s knowledge, give firsthand experience, and develop the essential skills for a career in the advertising and public relations industry.