Promofix, a subsidiary and digital media arm of JGroup, announced its partnership expansion with privacy-first, location-powered advertising and analytics company Blis to cover more markets in Turkey and France. The new partnership has been formed to meet the growing demand for services and expand JGroup’s global network presence.

The Blis platform delivers actionable location intelligence for brands through real-world and online data. It also uses behavior and lifestyle indicators to profile and understand audiences through their location. 

Karim Hassan, Commercial Director at Promofix overseeing Blis’ business in the region, said in a statement, “We look forward to continuing to provide the same high-quality services that our clients value and to build strategic partnerships with agencies and clients in France and Turkey.”

Imad Juma, Founder and President of JGroup, said, “We are very excited to announce a deal that significantly increases JGroup’s presence across different markets. Through this partnership, we can leverage our capabilities to create a synergy that benefits our client base and enhances location-based advertising in the markets we serve. We see this as a tremendous opportunity for both companies to expand the digital advertising ecosystem and reach”.

The partnership expansion with Blis is based on a long-term strategic relationship between the two companies and allows JGroup to offer an even wider range of innovative digital advertising products.