Starbucks took over Downtown Dubai with a launch event, attended by the leadership team of Starbucks and Alshaya Group, who operate the brand in the Middle East, together with over 50 influencers.

The event featured a live activation, a pop-up stand & a photo booth. The theme had the guests invited to share their experiences on social media to earn double the points on their Starbucks Rewards app. The highlight was a 3-minute projection on the Burj, starting with a countdown that revealed the Starbucks Rewards app, an iconic show that was live-streamed across multiple platforms.

“Reham Mufleh, General Manager Horizon FCB Dubai commented on the launch, “It’s always incredible when as an agency we get the chance to partner with amazing clients like Starbucks, who share our enthusiasm and creative vision. Just like Starbucks, we always reach for the stars, and our sky is never finished”.

Horizon FCB brought the production to life in a riot of swirling stars, reaching a mile into the Dubai night sky, creating an incredible spectacle that only matched the launch of the Starbucks Rewards App.