The PHNX Awards has already attracted 700+ jurors. Entries for the AdForum PHNX Awards 2022 are open until May 1, with a unique twist: initial entry is free, with a subsequent fee of 150 euros per entry only if the work is shortlisted. CEO at Maydream for AdForum and Epica Awards, Philippe Paget explains how waiving the entry fee will prompt all those organizations who are struggling with budgets also to enter. "We all know how times are difficult for agencies, especially after this pandemic. It might not be the case for big networks, but many small and independent agencies studios, and production companies have suffered. We believe they still need to be rewarded and to be given the appropriate visibility to their talent. On the other hand, we cannot run the PHNX as a pro bono initiative or an NGO as we have salaries to pay at the end of the month. So we came up with this creative idea where only shortlisted campaigns will be charged a small fee. We hope that it will give the opportunity to a maximum of players to enter," says Paget.

The PHNX is open to jurors from every aspect of advertising: not just creatives, but marketers, strategists, agency leaders, consultants, and journalists. It’s one of the most diverse juries in our industry. Jurors sign up to take part and, following a validation process, they’re free to vote on the work via an online platform. More than 700 people from across advertising and design have signed up to vote so far. "While we're still in the process of gathering the jury, we already have 30 jurors signed up for the GCC this year, as compared to 21 last year. I believe that these numbers reflect the dynamism of creativity in the MENA region with increasing recognition of the PHNX award in this part of the world," explains Paget.

The jury includes leaders of prestigious agencies, senior creatives, copywriters, art directors, planners, and strategists – but also creative thinkers from prestigious brands such as JPMorgan Chase, Google, Meta, and Twitch, alongside leading journalists from the trade press and pitch consultants from AdForum’s community. The shortlist will be revealed on May 16 and there will be an online celebration on June 16.

You can take a look at the full jury or sign up here: