Since its creation in 2009, programmatic digital advertising specialist Gamned! intends to actively participate in the evangelization of its expertise. To do so, the company – in addition to the creation of the industry’s very first certified training course, the “Programmatic Academy by Gamned!” – regularly offers fun and educational content to its community.

In this context, Gamned! is publishing the results of its third edition of the Culture G! quiz, aiming at analyzing the maturity level of the market in terms of digital advertising. The quiz is a way to provide a global mapping of the current understanding of all things programmatic.

Programmatic has been a major concern for quite a long time in the advertising world. But it remains a subject of great approximation and questioning for many key players in the ad tech and digital world. With this in mind, Gamned! wanted to use its Culture G! quiz to assess the knowledge of its clients, prospects, and partners, as well as other advertisers, agencies, and publishers, whether they are beginners or experienced on the subject. More than a hundred advertising professionals were asked to answer 15 questions covering all issues that have agitated the market in the past months: changes in formats, GDPR, cookies, fraud, visibility, etc.

Main findings 

Average grade is decreasing year-over-year for the MEA advertising ecosystem.

The results of the previous editions of the quiz were encouraging, although perfectible (13/20 in 2018, and 13/20 in 2019). But the overall average of this 2021 promotion (about 8.5/20) shows the strong need for support from the ecosystem on various subjects related to digital advertising, including the fundamentals of the matter. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the new topics addressed by programmatic (segmented TV, video evolution, cookies, social evolution, etc.) are changing and becoming more complex as time goes by and as technology and regulations evolve.

… but no reason to be ashamed though, as the average grade is decreasing on a global scale

Gamned! also offered this quiz to players in the markets where it operates abroad. And the average quiz score is down in all the other regions (France, Switzerland, Brazil, Belgium, Malaysia).

“Since our last Culture G! quiz two years ago, the market has evolved considerably. The results obtained by the 2021 promotion prove once again that we made the right choice at Gamned!: giving consulting and evangelizing our expertise. As programmatic experts, we must therefore continue to build on this momentum in order to further increase the skills of agencies and advertisers in this domain. We have taken the lessons learned from this quiz, and we will be launching a regular training program dedicated to all aspects of programmatic from next January," explains Yves-Michel Gabay, Managing Director MEA at Gamned!