We tuned into the long anticipated #ForYou Summit and couldn’t have spent the evening any other way. While the audience took their seats at the physical venue, online viewers jumped into excited conversations on the livestream. The DJ his the right chords with significant TikTok audios alongside a virtual photo booth with interactive stickers and backgrounds.

The team set the tone right by hopping into a conference call with Gary Vee, Serial Entrepreneur Chairman at VaynerX and CEO of Vayner Media. The keynote moderated by Shant Oknayan, General Manager of Global Business Solutions, TikTok Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa kickstarted the event. Gary stressed on how ‘virality is real on TikTok.’ “It provides people with a platform to curate. The reason people leave TikTok happier is because people are getting what they want,” said Gary.

Relevance is the New Reach

The first panel kicked in as famous content curator and renown TikToker Khalid Al Ameri took over the mic, who further introduced us to our first set of speakers. Annie Arsane, Platform Strategy Director at TikTok and Jochen Bischoff, Head of Consumer Business explained how and why relevant content helps curators and brands reach a wider audience. “Reach gives you the right to play but relevance gives you the right to win,” explained Annie.

TikTok X Science

While we all are aware of how TikTok occupies our undivided attention, what did we believe the science behind it was?

Head of Growth at TikTok MENA, Rana Barakat invited a panel which dived into conducting a live experiment on stage to prove how TikTok provides ‘happy, full screen and sound on,’ experience to its users thus, having their full attention.

The four Cs: Consumer, Content, Community and Commerce

With its share of good music and perfectly timed coffee breaks the event ended with the most underrated yet most crucial session of content solutions. Kinda Al Issa, Head of Content Solutions at TikTok MENA, elaborated on how good content is directly connected to communities and their passions. “There are people with shared passions on TikTok who are producing and sharing content,” said Kinda.

During the session she also stressed on the collaboration of brands with content curators. “When working with curators, marketers should trust them. They should hand them the brief and get out of the way.” Kinda explained how curators are the ones spending hours on TikTok, and that brands and agencies should be able to place their trust in them when it comes to content.