Timur is from Uzbekistan but grew up in Lebanon and speaks three languages fluently (English, Arabic, and Russian).

After graduating with a BA in Adverting and Marketing from Notre Dame University Louaize in Lebanon, he decided to move to Dubai, the cosmopolitan heart of the Middle East. He joined Carat Dubai in October 2018. The first account that he worked on with Carat was Mastercard, which he still works on today.

Timur loves to be surrounded by others and is always excited to meet new people. In his spare time, he likes to go cycling, discover new places, and try new food.

Why did you join this industry?

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always been fascinated with ads. My after-school routine was to go on YouTube and watch commercials.

How did you land your first job?

After graduating from my university, one of my previous classmates connected with me and hired me as a Marketing Sales Coordinator at his event startup. Overall, it was a fun but challenging experience as I got exposed to various marketing and advertising tasks.

Who do you look up to?

I would say my mother, juggling between her work and being a single mom. I always look up to my mom when it comes to maintaining a work-life balance and being there for her family.

What’s the best advice you have received so far?

Don’t be afraid to speak up. This is the advice I received from my managers during my first year at Carat. It has helped me grow courage and build client relationship and trust.

What’s the best advice you have given so far?

Be organized! No matter what industry you are in, it will help you save time, improve the flow of communication between you and your team, and improve your quality of work.

How do you feel about the stigma sometimes associated with Millennials and Gen Z?

Stigma is a very strong word and I don’t believe there is anything of that sort. However, I know there are big difference in the way of thinking, adapting, and flexibility!

What do you think you specifically bring to the organization you work for?

Good attitude, positive energy, and team spirit.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned at work?

How to prioritize my tasks and meet client expectations.

What’s the most rewarding thing about your job?

Diversity and collaboration. Every member of my team comes from a different nationality. This enables us to look at things from different perspectives.

What’s the most frustrating thing about your job?

Delivering the best outcome given the tight deadlines we all face in the industry.

If not this, what would you be doing?

I have always been passionate about traveling the world. If I had to choose a different career path, I would be a pilot.

Would you start your own venture in the future?

Definitely, this is something I have always thought about doing once I have gained the proper experience and expanded my network.