Talin started her career in the media industry almost eight years ago and has experience working across a diverse portfolio of clients within the MENA region.

Her tenure at Digitas has allowed her to expand her knowledge and expertise not only in media but also in creative, technology, data, and strategy, enabling her to have a well-rounded approach with existing clients and new business development opportunities.

Being involved in all pillars of brand com- munication has put Talin in a unique position to deliver bespoke marketing strategies and successfully help clients’ businesses thrive.

Why did you join this industry?

Marketing, be it product development, product positioning, marketing strategies, consumer insights, etc., always captured my interest. The media industry allows us to not only tap into all elements but also to bring it all to life.

How did you land your first job?

I started my career after graduating from uni- versity and coming to Dubai in search of a job. Through a contact, I came to know of a job opening; I interviewed and the next thing I knew, the agency became my second family and has been for almost eight years now.

Who do you look up to?

I have always looked up to those who are more successful than I am. I admire several hard- working people who have made it in life through their own sacrifice and dedication. It gives me the motivation and encouragement to aspire for something great of my own.

What’s the best advice you have received so far?

The best advice I have received is to always rely on yourself and never rely on others.

What’s the best advice you have given so far?

The best advice I have given is to always priori- tize yourself above all. In this day and age, it can be very easy to be overwhelmed and forget about oneself.

How do you feel about the stigma sometimes associated with Millennials and Gen Z?

This is a topic I hear being discussed frequently. There is definitely a difference between Millen- nials and Gen Zers but we need to have a dif- ferent approach to how we interconnect with Gen Zers as they were born in a time where things are easily accessible and that has more to offer.

What do you think you specifically bring to the organization you work for?

I bring strong work ethic and commitment. I put my heart and soul into everything I do while trying to push myself to achieve more.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned at work?

The most valuable lesson I’ve learned would be to think of different perspectives before taking any actions. This has allowed me to better do my job, but I also apply it in my daily practices.

What’s the most rewarding thing about your job?

There are many rewarding things about my job but the most rewarding one has to be when I see the positive results and impact of my efforts, whether it’s the success of a campaign or teammates developing over time. It’s very motivating.

What’s the most frustrating thing about your job?

When, due to fixed client perceptions that force them to remain in their comfort zone, you are unable to develop a client/business by imple- menting specially catered strategies that include new trends or approaches.

If not this, what would you be doing?

That’s difficult to answer because I love doing so many things; but I would find myself running an events agency due to my attention to detail and love for organizing events.

Would you start your own venture in the future?

I aspire to grow and develop my own business in the not-so-far future, where I can apply all my skillsets towards something that is mine. I am not sure what that might be but I am anxiously looking forward to all that comes along with it.