Brands and marketeers have always been paying close attention to what kind of conversations are happening in the global online media culture. It's imperative for them to stay up to date in order to leverage trends to get a users' attention. But these days, the culture is moving too fast for anyone to keep up. Which is why Twitter has released a new report that highlights the key conversation topics happening on the platform. These topics were listed based on overall tweet engagement over the past two years.

The report covers six trends, ranging from subjects such as – Wellbeing, Creator culture, Everyday Wonder, One Planet, Tech Life and My Identity. Over the next decade, the majority of conversations online are going to be revolving around these trends.

Mental health and wellbeing have been a topic of discussion for many years now. The earlier discussions were focused on removing the stigma around mental health. Now, the focus is on the mental health toll from the current pandemic.

The topic of mental health is a sensitive area and brands need to be careful about how they join in on the conversation. Twitter advises brands to show up by listening first to identify, what's ownable for their brand and lend their voice during relevant moments. Audiences believe brands have a role to play in the topic of mental health.

Brands can help improve peoples' lives by tapping into allies or specific communities to show how their brand offers a value exchange with new product/offering/initiatives. Brands can also partner with influential creator voices to bring an authentic, fresh perspective to life.

Below are some hashtags brands can use to join in on the conversation.

The new generation is leveraging the power of social to turn their hobbies into careers. The rise of new platforms is enabling creators to monetize their content and make a living doing what they love. When the pandemic hit the world last year, many people were stuck at home. During this time, many experienced furloughing and decided to use the internet to figure out how to make money. It wasn't just working class professionals that were affected but also college students, who were just about to graduate and head out into the workforce.

The discussions around creative hobbies and selling their creations online became a popular topic of discussion. Many new young small-time entrpereneurs were born as a result.

There was an insatiable thirst last year for content and community on the internet. As more people sought out authentic, real experiences within digital communities, there’s an increasing interest in social connection centered around content. Live streaming, collaborative platforms, and multiplayer gaming invited mass participation while also fostering a sense of togetherness.

Brands can help these young creators by partnering with them in their campaigns and help champion their creativity and amplify their voices. Brands can even let these creators play a major role in the creative strategy—whether you’re hosting a virtual event, watchparty, or Twitter profile takeover, their ability to generate conversation and excite an audience is unmatched.

The topic around our planet's future is long overdue. This is why consumers are being extremely vocal about sustainability. More and more, people are holding themselves, their communities, and corporations to higher environmental standards for the sake of the planet.

The conversations about sustainability are centered around  ideas of reusable, “clean” lifestyles across food, beauty, and home. Working toward a greener future, more people are exploring eco-homes and electric cars, while re-examining more traditional ways of living. People are also demanding more from those with power, especially businesses as conversations surrounding plastic, zero-waste, energy, pollution, and food production increase.

This a potential opportunity not only for brands to join the conversation but to spearhead it. Brands need to identify ways to lead—from eco-conscious innovation and corporate accountability to renewed focus on nature. Brands need to articulate the changes and impact through visual storytelling. Brands can also embrace dialogue and demonstrate transparency, such as sharing inspiration behind their pledge or behind-the-scene stories on their progress.

The topics and trends in this report, while Twitter-centric in nature are going to be the most important conversations brands and communities will have in this decade. It's important for brands to position themselves as leaders, if the trend is relevant to their niche and develop strategies to help improve the lives of consumers.