With 2020 coming to an end, uncertainty still spews among many in the industry as to what kind of changes to expect in 2021. The annual guide by Global Web Index highlights the trends to keep an eye out for in 2021.

A change in the relationship with the city

The pandemic has, without doubt, contributed to a growing desire to escape from the city, but one that’s not so much defined by the movement of people as it is by a shift in the urban mindset. While data from multiple reports show a growing need to migrate from the city, this isn't fueled by fear of the virus but rather by a shift in consumer priorities. Research shows that where people want to relocate is primarily about a change in lifestyle (31%) and a quest for a quieter location (29%) than what the city can offer. 2021 won’t be seeing a drastic change in the physical composition of urban areas, but rather one that reflects a shift in urban mentality.

Marketers still need to pay close attention to the urban mindset and know when to double down on it. The COVID-19 induced lockdown not only gave birth to new habits but also forced many to reflect and value what really matters to them. The nights out with friends transformed into nights in with family; the saved money from the theater and live concert tickets was reinvested in kitting out our homes. Not to mention the enthusiasm about that daily outdoor exercise slot.  This doesn’t mean that cities are dead – but the consumers' relationship with them, and what we enjoy about them, has changed.

Behaviors that were mostly associated with suburban or rural culture have now sprawled across cities’ young populations, slowly but surely becoming ingrained into actual consumer interests. Businesses and marketers have a unique opportunity to tap into this new mentality.

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