Elevision, a digital-screen media company that owns and manages a network of real-time screens inside premium properties, has launched a new outdoor LED screen for the DIFC.

The digital signage will report the price for listed companies on the Nasdaq Dubai, updated continuously throughout the day’s trading session. The market-data will be supplemented by DIFC branded content, and a revolving stream that will allow brands to advertise on the platform.

The LED screen, which was also imported and installed by Elevision, is 96 meters-long and 1.3 meters-high, making it the longest Digital Out of Home (DOOH) space in the Middle East, highly visible from multiple points of entry into the DIFC.

Speaking at the launch of the screen, Niall Sallam, CEO of Elevision says: “The stock ticker is seen as the pulse of the Dubai Financial Market (DFM), and it symbolizes the stability of the exchange and the strength of the economy.  Brands leveraging the opportunity to advertise on the digital screen can benefit from the brand equity of its proximity with DIFC whilst communicating with professionals who are engaged with the platform thanks to its relevant and news-led content, innovation and size [..] Outdoor media takes home about 15 percent of total marketing budgets in the UAE, but is dominated by static displays. However, the industry is now shifting and we are seeing a far greater opportunity through digital signage by creating more value through a customized and inventive solution that is adaptable, targeted and effective.”

The LED screen was launched during the bell ringing ceremony for the Emirates Reit IPO (Initial Public Offering), the first on the Nasdaq Dubai for five years.

The new platform will complement the Elevision portfolio that includes DOOH media inside 75 towers across prime real estate in Dubai. Similar to the DIFC LED screen, advertisers can update their content and marketing messages in real-time across Elevision’s network of over 335 digital platforms.