Premium online advertising network in the Middle East AdZouk has launched “Zoukontent”, an “exclusive technology designed to create a smooth transition between website content and sponsored advertisements, with optimal audience engagement,” the network claims.

Through, Zoukontent, advertisers provide AdZouk with creative assets in line with their brand guidelines, and the system generates a bespoke version of that same creative to fit in with the look and feel of each website, mobile site or app where the campaign is to be displayed.

“No other Middle East ad network has a native solution that showcases such seamless aesthetics at present. As leaders in digital marketing, we see it as our role to continue to drive the industry forward by divulging global solutions to the local market. Zoukontent is an example of our dedication to providing the very best in digital marketing services and strive to achieve the very best outcome for the valued advertisers, media buyers and publishers we have partnered with,” comments Jamie Atherton, managing director at AdZouk.

To strengthen results, AdZouk takes dozens of metrics and dissects its network of over 1,100 sites to maximize audience engagement with individual brand content.

“Remaining at the forefront of digital, Zoukontent campaigns are ingenious to each publisher platforms and can be optimized towards deeper engagement metrics, such as the time a user spends on a website, the number of pages per visit and conversions. Advertisers therefore benefit from improved direct response and a unique service, which is otherwise unavailable elsewhere within the Middle East,” says Atherton.

Since its inception in 2011, AdZouk was the first advertising network in the Middle East to join forces with Google, to deploy an end-to-end solution for buying and selling digital advertising, thus creating a hybrid ad network. AdZouk has also partnered with AOL to build its premium content portfolio.