Zubair S Siddiqui, managing director of UM Dubai (left) and Ernest Hosking, CEO of Redtag (right). 

In a press statement late last week, MCN’s UM MENA announced that it will phase in starting with the fashion division of BMA, effective immediately. The BMA International group comprises of brands such as Redtag, twenty4, Géant, Jamaica Blue, Bahrain Mall amongst others. “Catering to the fast fashion value segment, Redtag alone has over 150 stores across the GCC and has been growing at an exceptional rate,” says the statement.

Zubair S Siddiqui, managing director of UM Dubai, says in the statement:  “From in store experiences to augmented experiences, e-commerce to s-commerce, the dynamics of the retail industry are evolving like never before. The BMA team is great, they know what they want and have a strong vision of how they want to drive the brands to even stronger positions. This has been a strong year for UM MENA after having secured numerous big wins including the retaining of L’Oreal just last month. Hope we can continue to build on the momentum and drive network strength to drive business goals for our clients”.

Ernest Hosking, CEO of Redtag, adds: “We are in the midst of redefining the value segment with an increasing competitive landscape and changing consumer lifestyles.  There is a real need for us to find the kind of partner that not only understands our business but also moves at the pace the market is moving.  After an extensive review period of 8 months we were finally able to settle with UM.  They demonstrated their understanding of the market, the digital landscape, the retail environment, and all that with a strategic capability and an integrated approach to communications”.