Yet another social platform has been launched under the name Jeera. It has been described as a “social discovery platform based on interests that enables its users to connect, communicate, and socialize with each other in groups and communities,” according to a press statement by the company.

Tareq Abuissa, founder and CEO, says in the statement: “New social networks are emerging all the time because there is a clear need online for such offer. It is not just another trend. Over the coming years, the number of niche online forums and communities is expected to grow significantly. The ambition behind Jeera has been to create a unique online platform with an innovative environment that allows users to spend time online and offline with other people sharing the same passion”.

Jeera provides consumers with the opportunity to engage with each other in micro online communities and share their passion offline. The newcomer network uses geo-location to reach and connect users with people living nearby and sharing common interests.

As the platform officially launches next month, all focus is on Dubai. However, as the platform grows and expands, it will target key cities in the MENA region during its first phase, moving on to Asia in its second phase of growth and expansion.

“Jeera is a platform bridging the gap between online and offline activities. We have put together a team of experienced specialists to create a comprehensive social platform connecting people with the same passion online and offline,” adds chief technology officer, Karim Hachani.