The new digital trends 2015 research conducted in UAE from Microsoft has revealed that the modern consumer is putting pressure on brands to use personal information collected online to tailor services and help them get more done. The research – taken from Microsoft Advertising’s bi-annual Digital Trends report – found that 74.2 percent in the UAE are looking for technology to help filter the messages they see; while 79 percent want digital services to help manage information shared online.

The report also uncovered clear insights for brands, online service providers and advertisers to help them to serve target audiences more effectively, without breaking their trust. 83.5 percent are aware that digital data can be used to exchange for rewards or better experiences. In addition, half are interested in these exchanges, showing that consumers are more open to sharing personal data – as long as they’re clear on where it is going and how it is used.

The Microsoft Digital Trends 2015 study polled more than 13,000 consumers in 13 different global markets, and tracked how the eight most important trends identified in the original report have evolved over the last two years since the inaugural study in 2013. Other key findings include:

  • IntelligentlyON: Consumers increasingly want an easier way to find information that’s valuable to them, with 74.2 percent interested in future technology and services that automatically filters content/messages so they only see or hear what they really need to at any one time
  • Redefined: Bridging the physical/digital divide is increasingly important to consumers, who are more likely now to be interested in a future wave of digital devices and services that will allow them to experience any place or object online or offline in the same way (67.6 percent)
  • Right To My Identity: 79 percent of consumer interest stays in digital services that can manage all of the information they share online. In addition, 51.8 percent of UAE consumers want to be able to choose how long information they share stays online
  • Life Analytics: 14 percent consumers have never interacted with tracking apps or devices, such as connected apps, household appliances and wearables. However, while consumers may have been downloading more trackers, around one third are currently using it to optimize performance
  • The New Age of Discovery: 69.8 percent of consumers showed interest in future technology that provides suggestions and recommendations for new experiences, new connections and new things to do that fit their personality and needs. And brands aren’t off the hook – 61.7 percent expect brands to know them and help them discover new products or services that fit their needs
  • Now Networks: The lure of ‘one size fits all’ social networks is falling, 67.3 percent of consumers use different digital social networks that are specialized, and suited to their precise needs or activities. This presents a big opportunity for brands – 66.7 percent of consumers in UAE say they are more likely to interact with a brand when using more specialist and niche digital services. But marketers should think beyond fixed networks and think about how to find the right network for the right moment – and not trying to capture all experiences at the same time
  • Creative Me: Consumers want to take control and shape their digital experiences. In UAE , 39.3 percent say they would like to be able to learn more about customizable services. For brands: 59 percent of consumers in UAE say they are much more likely to buy from companies who allow them to shape their products or services

“Consumers are making themselves more open to brands, presenting huge opportunities for marketers – as long as the rules are followed,” says Thom Arkestaal, research & insights lead of emerging markets, Microsoft advertising, in a press statement. “Companies have to be transparent about how data is collected and how it will be used. There must be a reward – giving consumers an incentive to provide data and engage with services. Finally, brands must make the experience seamless, minimizing friction and workarounds and giving consumers the same experience wherever they are.”

Waseem Afzal, head of digital at OMG says, “with the proliferation of media choices and explosions of screens, we have seen significant investment and the growing need to understand consumer insights. Our digital landscape in the region has changed massively over the last few years and the new study conducted by Microsoft unlocks some powerful and interesting insights. While it looks at the UAE through a global lens, it reveals what differentiates this market from many other developing ones”.

Microsoft Digital Trends 2015 is the result of a partnership with the Future Laboratory Research Now to investigate the future of digital behavior and technology to better understand how brands can meet consumers’ expectations today and in the future. Each trend tells a compelling story of the changing consumer relationships toward devices, platforms, apps and brands, and together, helps advertisers to understand the new rules around consumer digital experiences.