Brightcove Inc., provider of cloud services for video, announces a new wave of feature enhancements to its core products as well as market-specific solutions tailored for Media and Digital Marketing customers. These new products and market-specific solutions aim to allow organizations to publish video faster, deliver a more engaging video experience, and drive business results.

“As our industry faces the exponential complexity of new devices, expanding platforms, and changing audience viewing habits, it is critical that our technology is flexible and provides the building blocks that allow our customers to create any video experience they want,” says David Mendels, CEO, Brightcove, in a press statement. “Built around this philosophy, the latest wave of Brightcove products allow companies to quickly and easily launch video simultaneously across device platforms, deliver out-of-the-box market-specific solutions for Media companies and Digital Marketers, and offer a broad set of easy-to-use APIs to further extend Brightcove’s capabilities. As the proliferation of video continues, we are committed to simplifying technical complexity so that our customers may focus on the business models that they want to execute.”

General availability of the following applications is expected in summer 2015.

The New Video Cloud Studio

Brightcove’s Video Cloud Studio aims to be a solution to ingest video, manage and publish content, and analyze usage. New features include:

  • A new responsive HTML5 interface that works across desktop, tablet and mobile devices.
  • New upload module built on top of Brightcove’s industry leading Dynamic Ingest platform.
  • Enhancements to content organization and management, including custom folders.
  • Streamlined publishing workflows for videos, players, and playlists.
  • Ability to easily create contributor-only or analytics-only role-based permissions as use of video scales from individual project teams to broad use across the organization.
  • A powerful new Custom Report Builder that enables customers to deliver key video performance insights across one or multiple Video Cloud accounts on an ad hoc or recurring basis.

Brightcove Solutions for Media

Brightcove cloud solutions for Media should enable media owners and publishers to deliver and monetize video across online, mobile, and over-the-top (OTT) services. New ad insertion developments include:

  • Once VOD 2.0 is the industry’s leading cloud-based, ad and stream stitching solution. Once VOD 2.0 enables media companies to deliver a seamless and consistent ad-supported video experience across devices to maximize audience reach, ad inventory, and revenue opportunity. Brightcove Once VOD 2.0 integrates with the Brightcove Player, and iOS and Android video SDKs, to deliver an interactive user experience through actionable overlays and synchronized companion ads, and offers content providers a highly-configurable in-player ad solution. The latest version also supports FairPlay Streaming, Apple’s digital rights management (DRM) technology, which allows advertisers to deliver content to Apple TV and realize new ad opportunities.
  • Once Live 2.0 delivers next-generation ad insertion for live streaming content. Once Live 2.0 dynamically stitches mid-roll ads into live content, allowing media owners to monetize content while maintaining a high-quality user experience. The latest features, which include ad insertion, ad replacement, and content replacement for both live events and 24/7 live broadcasting, are currently in open beta for all Brightcove customers.

Brightcove Solutions for Digital Marketing

Brightcove’s Video Marketing Suite (VMS) aims to offer a solution to incorporate video into brand awareness, lead-generation, and lead nurturing campaigns. It can also be deployed beyond the marketing function for broad corporate communications, HR, and training activities and with our security features, for internal communications as well.

  • Gallery, a powerful solution to publish responsive video portals that are optimized for SEO and social sharing, now offers a new template for live video experiences that includes a pre-event, during event and post event state allowing brands to extend their reach in minutes. Additional Gallery enhancements include integrated calls-to-action for marketing programs and support for multi-language sites.
  • A new Audience Module in the Video Marketing Suite allows marketers to feed video viewing and lead collection data directly into marketing automation systems such as Oracle Eloqua and Marketo, enabling targeted communications, enhanced lead scoring, and enhanced lead capture.