Recently, 20/20 Productions, a creative communications agency based out of Edinburgh, Scotland, opened the doors of its new Dubai office. The company’s directors claim to have made the decision to launch the Dubai presence because of various contract wins and an increase in demand from clients for support in the Middle East. The privately owned company is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.

Based out of DMCC, the Dubai office of 20/20 currently works in sectors such as oil, gas and petrochemicals, in addition to a recent focus on the hotel and leisure industry. The agency will also support businesses that are participating in Expo 2020 Dubai.

Craig Munro, head of event production, says, “We’re very optimistic about the potential for 20/20 Productions’ service offering in the Gulf. The region is going through massive changes at the moment and the United Arab Emirates is set to become the global business hub of the future. We have vast experience of working here and now are delighted to offer our premium level services from our new base in Dubai.”

In a press statement, Andy MacKay, co-founder and CEO of 20/20 Productions, says, “Increasingly, clients are looking for global expertise. We have two very successful bases in Edinburgh and San Francisco, and have already produced several events in Dubai with another taking place this month. So, establishing a physical presence was a natural progression.”