Djembe Communications, an African communications consultancy, announces the launch of its mobile application ‘Djembe Insights’. This is a mobile application that will provide free mobile access to perspectives on the African market, including research reports, thought leadership articles, trends and data, and event listings.

Commenting on the launch in a statement to the press, Mitchell Prather, Djembe Communications’ managing director, says, “The increased access to mobile devices and information has led to some innovative thinking on Africa. So, we are excited to be the first African communications consultancy to introduce a mobile app focused on the continent. The app demonstrates our commitment toward furthering informed discourse on Africa and will provide unique insights and analysis in a user-friendly way, while offering a networking platform for users from a variety of backgrounds who share our passion.”

The app is positioned as a tool for niche business communities, start-up groups, students and universities to create opinion polls and participate in surveys on African trends and issues.

Prather adds, “Technology that exists today is enabling connectivity and bringing power to people that have until now been off the grid. Government, people and businesses have to adapt to change, to review their processes and how they engage with markets and customers.”

The app is available for iOS and Android devices.