Raja Trad, CEO, Leo Burnett MENA, on what’s the best and worst thing that can happen in 2016, and his mantra to make it through the year.

What’s the best thing that can happen in 2016?

It would take a fortune-teller to predict what’s going to happen in 2016. The best thing that could happen to us in this region would be for the dust to settle, peace to prevail and conflicts to be resolved. Moreover, we would like to see oil prices going up. If all this happens, it will definitely reflect positively on all industries in this region – we are just one among others.

What’s the worst thing that can happen in 2016?

The worst thing that could happen would be for the situation in the region to deteriorate further; for conflicts and wars to intensify and the price of oil to decline further.

Mantra: As the communication solutions partner to our clients, their business is our business. Together we will face the challenges of 2016 by offering all our competencies under one roof and delivering integrated, innovative, cutting-edge solutions that will purposefully drive their business forward.