Rafic Saadeh, Chairman and CEO, Horizon Holdings, on what’s the best and worst thing that can happen in 2016, and his mantra to make it through the year.

What’s the best thing that can happen in 2016?

From a business point of view, the best thing would be for 2016 to become a replica of 2015, which started with our expectations and forecasts being conservative and moderate, but ended up being our best year ever.

What’s the worst thing that can happen in 2016?

The worst thing would be our business being disrupted by the sluggish property market, a slump in the price of oil, cancellations of governments’ mega projects, coupled with increased turmoil on the political front and a higher tension in the war zones that surround us.

Mantra: The world of achievement always belongs to the optimist. I am a firm believer in the power of optimism.