For the first time, L’Oréal Middle East is participating in the group’s international business game Brandstorm. The game offers an opportunity for students around the world to get creative and apply their ideas to engage with international brands.

Brandstorm gathered 45 teams from 58 countries where the teams had to role-play as international marketing director for La Roche-Posay focused on attracting 15- to 25-year-old consumers by introducing a new digital strategy.

The GCC teams were chosen from four universities in three countries: Effat University in Saudi Arabia, Qatar University in Qatar, American University of Dubai and American University of Sharjah in the UAE to compete with each other. The winning team was American University of Sharjah’s ‘Branddict’ who flew to Paris to represent the GCC in the international competition. Branddict’s concept of a mobile application with filters to apply on pictures demonstrating the expected effects of La Roche-Posay products impressed the jury. Combined with a complete offline and online communication plan to launch the app, the team clearly had a clear understanding of the brand values as well as the target. However, unfortunately, the team did not win in the international competition.

“Brandstorm is one of the best business competitions held for the great vision, planning and delivery standards it entails,” says Emma Shuttleworth, L’Oréal Middle East and North Africa recruitment and talent director, in a press statement. She adds: “This is a lifetime changing opportunity for students to discover the world of international business and get a glimpse of what happens in the real professional life.” As a result of the competition, two ‘Brandstormers’ have joined L’Oréal Middle East’s marketing department.

The international business competition has been running for 24 years and has attracted over 80,000 contestants to date, from 45 countries and over 360 campuses around the world.