On August 3, Burberry unveiled its new logo marking the first change in 20 years.

And people are not loving it.

Here are a few tweets that made us LOL.

1. This company that was both truthful and funny

2. This one that made us LOL

Burberry: “we need to update our brand. We need a new logo”

Agency: how about this new logo trend where you look like everyone else?

Burberry: Yyesss fam! https://t.co/8WhzmbNCHf

3. This one that’s a bit harsh and not entirely honest (’cause not ALL designers, okay?) but also Seville was just given 4 weeks so there’s that


4. TBH it is hard to tell!


5. This totally heartfelt tribute

6. To be fair, there is a London in Canada AND the US

7. Maybe ’cause there is a London in America? (Just kidding.)