1st Case Study: Emirates NBD

Emirates NBD is a leading bank in the UAE. Part of their corporate marketing initiatives is to build and maintain brand affinity amongst the local UAE community. One way the bank does this is through tailored communications during cultural moments like Ramadan. Emirates NBD turned to Snapchat—an untapped medium and perhaps the most personal medium for UAE nationals. 

In 2018, Emirates NBD partnered with Snapchat to wish the local community a Ramadan Kareem and Eid Mubarak. Emirates NBD created timely, immersive experiences using Snapchat Filters to fuel emotional moments that unify Emiratis and showcase their values and traditions on moments where the audience was most receptive.

Emirates NBD’s filters hit the right note for both Eid and Ramadan. The campaigns achieved a playtime of around 17 seconds each, greatly exceeding Snapchat’s average share rates for MENA, and reached +1.4M unique users in the first 24 hours of being launched.

Mai Cheblak, Vice President – Group Media and Social at Emirates NBD, said that the bank chose Snapchat because it wanted to connect with UAE nationals through a “personal and intimate medium”. 

 “We used Snap creatively to leverage the change in behavior and rituals that are common during this specific month amongst UAE nationals. With filters changing every few hours, reflecting the common practices and rituals of the month, Emirates NBD successfully connected with our target audience in an emotive and personal way with tangible engagement results,” added Cheblak.

2nd Case Study: Maggi

During Ramadan, food brands become increasingly active and compete to be top of mind. As such, it’s a very cluttered period, with all brands leveraging Ramadan as a reason to engage their customer segments.

Maggi wanted to do something different to help their brand stand out. They also wanted to be part of the daily conversations happening between friends and family during Ramadan. Maggi chose to engage the very latest Snapchat creatives to build a Maggi National Filter.  

 By using a day-parting strategy, Maggi was able to deliver four different messages in line with the change of behavior throughout the day. By doing so, Maggi was able to cut through the clutter, evident by achieving a +7% lift in brand awareness during the campaign period. 

“Tapping into the friendly and playful aspect of filters on Snapchat allowed us to truly capture the meaning of the month, and stay true to the local language with personalized content. Snapchat allowed us to translate what was on everyone’s mind before, during and after a great food moment in Ramadan,” said Maiada al Shahawy, brand experience and content manager at Maggi .



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