Roy Aftimos. Picture courtesy of C2 Comms.

By Afreen Khan

C2 Comms describes themselves as not just “any” advertising and branding consultancy agency, but importantly seekers of change and creating new perceptions. 

The company that has lately announced a rebranding for itself, talks to Communicate about “reengineering of the way we approach the business of communication.” C2 Comms Managing director Roy Aftimos told Communicate that the rebrand is a new milestone.

Talking about the expansion of C2, the company said they will focus on empowering other brand owners by adopting  strategic and scientific alternative communications. In addition to focusing on defining areas and territories they aim to work on.

“We are here to stay,” Aftimos said. He explained that with the recent industry developments, businesses are looking for different ways to thrive within the market. These ways are including but not limited to rebranding themselves. 

Aftimos has worked within C2 for over 16 years. He is highly regarded for his strategic thinking and regional proficiency among his colleagues. For him, seeing C2 Comms in the market for 30 years, he believed that there has been shortcomings of the previous business model. He explained that it was more focused, what the agency has done or has to offer.

“Everybody was drowning in the big terminologies, like the longest terminology you can throw, the better you sound and the higher the bill you can send,” he added.

Being in the industry for an era, Aftimos has witnessed the trends and the methods people follows. He said that he realized with the surge in data-driven communication and other measurable means of calculating data and performance, companies have no choice but to change their old methods in order to be efficient.

“Our skill-based approach is what we will put forward with our partners when we work together,” he explained. 

He spoke about the three pillars that C2 focuses on now: explore modern marketing, use of technology and exploring potential brands. 

One way that they use technology is through their connectivity platform that has been developed, Native Connect. They have their virtual employee, which they have appointed maybe 18 months ago. “Her name is Ainia,” he said.

C2 Native is, another technological aspect, their data-driven communication lab, specializing in orchestrating AI, modern social media, future technologies, big data advertising, and marketing automation. According to Aftimos, “C2 native is the fire inside C2 Comms.” 

The motive of C2 Native, from the company’s perspective, has been to leverage technology in an actionable manner whilst striving to be efficient, which is essential. 

Their data-driven communication agency focuses on digital information and future technologies, striving to remain differential from traditional digital agents. “The ethos of C2 Native is built around freedom of how you see the future.”

C2 believes they change their tactics from business or client centric to  customer centric. “It’s about the next big solution, the next big road, not necessarily how it looks, it might look very basic, or it could be simple solutions. It’s not always about the biggest and the largest and the widest,” he added.