Communicate’s virtual events series explores the steps to take after the event comes to an end. To create brand value and attract new audiences, it’s important to keep the conversation around the event ongoing, even after the event is over. There are multiple ways to keep the conversation alive. Here are the steps –

Post-event survey

A post-event survey helps the host brand to understand the attendee experience and also create brand value in the eyes of the attendees. The responses will not only help in fine-tuning the next event but also show attendees that the brand is listening to them. When it comes to a virtual event, it’s important to include technical questions such as connectivity, clarity, audio, video, and also platform preference, since the concept of hosting virtual events is fairly new in the market.

Continue the chat on social media

If the brand created a hashtag for their event during the promotion stage, they can utilize the same hashtag to create post-event conversations with the attendees. Attendees are usually very active on social media during and after an event- which is why it’s the best place to immediately engage with them, once the event comes to an end. Such experiences help in building an online community around the event. These conversations also tend to attract new audiences who are likely to attend future events.

The brand can even host an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) session to engage with their audience by answering questions on an ongoing basis. These sessions can also help ideate on future event themes.

Share the recordings with attendees

Brands can upload the recordings of important sessions on their social pages to share with their audience. They can also redirect the newcomers who joined the online conversation to these recordings, for them to understand the kind of value being provided. If the brand has charged an entry fee for the event, then it’s imperative not to upload the entire session online, as it’s a disservice to the attendees who had paid for the experience.

Thank you emails

Sending personalized thank you emails to the attendees, speakers, and the people who weren’t able to join helps to build a sense of community between the brand and its audience. These emails also provide an opportunity to include the post-event survey, to gain feedback on their experience.