Edelman Intelligence, a global insight, and analytics consultancy releases the 20th edition of the UAE Trust Barometer report. According to the report, the UAE government remains the most trusted of all four institutions, above businesses, NGOs, and the media. A key moment to celebrate, especially during a time when major distrust is brewing between citizens and their governments worldwide. The report surveyed 34,000 respondents in 28 markets, expanded to include Thailand and Kenya for the first time, sampling the general population as much as possible. Here are the general as well as key highlights for each institution in the UAE.


  • The informed public trusts all four institutions: Government (81%), Business (78%), NGOs (76%); and Media (64%) as opposed to the mass public which only trusts three out of the four institutions.
  • The institutions of government, business, and NGO are seen by respondents as both competent as well as ethical while the institution of media ranks poor in both.
  • In addition to their personal economic and job loss fears (84% worry about losing their job), people report a general sense that the pace of change, particularly with technology, is happening too fast (70%).
  • Besides media, the remaining rank high in being perceived as purpose-driven and goal-oriented institutions.


  •  55% of respondents believe that the UAE government serves the interests of everyone equally and fairly​.
  • 47% of respondents believe that the UAE government will protect workers in the gig economy while 37% of respondents believe that governments will mandate necessity towards workforce retraining as a result of automation.


  • 94% believe that CEOs should be vocal on issues such as training for jobs of the future, automation’s impact on jobs, technology’s impact on ethics, privacy, climate change.
  • 73% believe a company can take actions that will not only increase profits but also improve conditions in communities where it operates.
  • The highest level of trust is in the technology sector in the UAE.
  • All types of businesses have high levels of trust in the UAE.



  • 70% of respondents in the UAE worry about fake news being used as a weapon.
  • 49% of respondents see the media as an unfair institution that only serves the interest of a few.
  • The percentage of trust in all sources of media have declined this year.
  • In the UAE, only 62% have trust in traditional sources of news.
  • 77% of respondents in the UAE agree that companies should stop advertising with any media platform that fails to prevent the spread of fake news and false information.
  • Despite the distrust and unfair perception of the Media institution, 67% of respondents still continue to engage with news content on a regular basis.



  • 64% of respondents have trust with the NGO’s based in the UAE.
  • 60% of respondents in the UAE believe capitalism as it exists today does more harm than good in the world.
  • Societal leaders face significant challenges​ in the UAE, with 52% of respondents saying they do not have confidence that our current societal leaders will be able to address our country’s challenges successfully.


The 2020 Edelman UAE Trust Barometer indicates that building trust for the future requires paying fair wages, focusing on education and retraining, embracing an all-stakeholders model, and fostering partnerships across institutions.